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Jeff and Abby S.

Tennessee, married 7 years

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Davis and Christina

North Dakota, married 7 years

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What if my husband (or wife) doesn't want to participate?

What if we are engaged?

What if I get behind?

Can I give Abundant as a gift?

How long will I have access to the course?

What if I have questions during the course?

How can I contact you?

We created a new and effective way to help you find peace and connection in your marriage. Here’s how we are different from marriage counseling and intensive in-person retreats:

  • Abundant is faithfully Catholic. 

  • We give you the best relationship research available.

  • We want you to experience breakthroughs in your marriage QUICKLY.

  • Abundant is designed around your busy life.

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We remember how hard it was when our marriage hit a low point. Nathan's job was sucking the life out of him--while also not quite covering our expenses--and we had recently moved across the country with our two young girls. We were figuring out how to homeschool while trying to get settled into our new community, and we were still reeling from a tragic death and a dramatic divorce on Sarah's side of the family. We were stressed about everything. Our own romance had withered away, and we were in survival mode.

Worried as we both were about the future, we were dealing with our anxieties separately. Nathan gave all his energy to his work--at home, he had withdrawn emotionally and had nothing to give. Sarah was trying to hold it all together with the household and kids on her end, and we were not connecting. It was a dark and lonely time for us, and our kids definitely felt the tension in our home as well.

We knew that this was not good enough, and we were not willing to settle for living in survival mode for years on end. We were determined to get our joy back, so we took action. When we learned the practical skills that brought more peace, joy, togetherness, and romance back into our marriage, it was like a breath of fresh air!

We went from passing like ships in the night, barely making eye contact during the day, to warm daily hugs, bright smiles, complimenting and thanking each other all the time, creating a clear vision of our future together that excited us both, and dancing with each other in our kitchen after putting the kids to bed. We have confidence in our marriage, knowing we are on the right track. That feeling of being weighed down and spinning our wheels has been replaced by a sense of freedom and profound peace.

God wants you to have an abundant marriage.

We can teach you the practical skills you need to open yourselves up to His grace!

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